Give to GCF

Be a voice for giraffe!

For every 4 elephant, only 1 giraffe remains in the wild in Africa.
In regions once considered prime habitats, their numbers have dropped by up to 95%, and giraffe have lost nearly 90% of their historical range over the last three centuries.
GCF is dedicated to securing a future for all giraffe populations in the wild. Our conservation approach is based on solid science and our Translocation Programs are just one example that proves our success by actively bringing giraffe back into areas where they originally reigned.
Your donation puts you at the center of our work and helps protect these creatures' future. Thank you for your support!

Online donations are made to GCF-USA, a registered 501(c)3 in the USA (EIN 81-2749463) and are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by US law.

By providing a donation to GCF, you agree that GCF may use your name and logo solely for the purposes of describing your donation to us. You may only use the GCF name and logo (the “GCF Marks”) with our prior written consent. Requests for consent may be submitted here. Upon receipt of our consent, you may use the GCF Marks solely for the purpose of describing your donation to GCF. You shall not use the GCF Marks in a manner suggesting that GCF endorses or has endorsed any of your products or services. You shall not have the right to sub-license any of the GCF Marks to a third party, unless GCF expressly grants such right in writing.

The Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) is the only NGO in the world that concentrates solely on the conservation and management of giraffe in the wild throughout Africa.

We are a voice for giraffe

Help save giraffe today, before it’s too late tomorrow.

You can make a difference by supporting our conservation work in Africa.​